Without Website Traffic, You’re Going Nowhere: SEO + Content Strategy Fix
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Without Website Traffic, You’re Going Nowhere: SEO + Content Strategy Fix

Website Traffic is Your Company’s Lifeblood Traffic is everything. Without it, there is no impact, no content consumption, no brand building, no convincing sales pitch, no customers or sales revenue. In fact, even your current customers may be wooed away by highly visible competitors. Despite the current disregard of SEO, it’s a practice that can…

Toronto Housing Market Crash
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Toronto Housing Market Crash

Toronto Housing Market Bubble Torontonians have that sinking feeling, with highly indebted home owners and credit leveraged consumers facing something truly unpleasant. If the regular challenges of homeowners aren’t enough, the Trump tariffs starting today, deliver big implications for Toronto’s housing scene. Any retaliation from Premier Ford and Justin Trudeau, sends the damage into overdrive….

SEO Company Mississauga

SEO Company Mississauga

Mississauga SEO Services – Advanced Strategies This year, Canadian companies from Toronto to Calgary and Edmonton are facing some seriously challenges in 2025. Reduced access to the US means we all need to be more creative, innovative, with an accent on content excellence.  This means considerably improving your content strategy and using SEO to make…

The Lowest Rates Possible | Mortgage Rate Forecast

The Lowest Rates Possible | Mortgage Rate Forecast

Compare Lowest Home Mortgage Rates Housing markets from Boston to Tampa to Los Angeles and Denver all crippled by the mortgage rate locked-in effect. Sellers can’t afford to sell their homes and adopt a new mortgage at a higher rate. For mortgage agents, it’s a frustrating situation as they wait for mortgage holders forced to…

Real Estate Leads | Seller Lead Generation

Real Estate Leads | Seller Lead Generation

Real Estate Leads With the decline of US mortgage rates, lower taxes, and deregulation on the Trump agenda, real estate agents are getting excited about the year ahead.  The forecast for the 2025 housing market is positive despite some fleeting fears of inflation, foreclosures, and still high mortgage rates. The key to the housing market…

What Are the Top Real Estate Lead Conversion Factors?

What Are the Top Real Estate Lead Conversion Factors?

How to Increase Your Real Estate Lead Conversion Rates If you were to double or triple your online real estate lead conversion rate, how would that factor into your commissions? You’ve likely asked “how do I convert more of my Website leads?” so here’s a number of things you need to do. establish a great…

Why You Need a Travel Content Strategist

Why You Need a Travel Content Strategist

Why You Should Hire a Travel Content Strategist 2025 and beyond should present you some great opportunities to grow and profit if you’re strategic and committed to winning. Is doubling or tripling your revenue all that outrageous?  I mean there’s a massive travel market out there, and 2025 should be a good year economically for…

Mississauga Real Estate Market Update | Milton Oakville

Mississauga Real Estate Market Update | Milton Oakville

Mississauga Housing Market A quick look at home prices in Mississauga should raise some homeowner’s eyebrows. It would appear a trend away from Mississauga is underway. This might be a reflection of the slowdown in the Ontario economy, particularly manufacturing where Mississauga is so strong. In July, however the slowdown appeared to be significant. It’s…

Toronto Condo Market Report – Update and Forecast

Toronto Condo Market Report – Update and Forecast

Toronto Condo Market The Toronto housing market is forecasted to see a recovery in sales and prices by 2025. That outlook would suggest the current unwanted inventory would find willing buyers in the year ahead. According to TRREB’s lastest report on condo apartment sales in the GTA, we saw a drop of 19.8% in sales…

Hiring for Travel Marketing

Hiring for Travel Marketing

Hiring Smartly for a Digital Travel Marketing Role As a travel agency owner, DMO CEO, hotel owner, tour operator or SaaS travel software entrepreneur, you’re tasked with the challenge of hiring the right marketing people. Can a single person have real impact on a small travel company? That would depend on their skills, drive, and…

Refresh Your Content to Revive your Traffic and Leads

Refresh Your Content to Revive your Traffic and Leads

Fresh Content and Design I’m revisiting the topic of fresh content on your website, with a complete rewrite of this post. It’s a good example of a complete redrafting, restrategizing, and presentation to resonate with travel company’s big challenge today — staying relevant to the travel market. Because, when content is stale, it’s not relevant…

Marriott Hotels

Marriott Hotels

Marriott Hotels & Resorts Perhaps the most preferred hotel brand for travelers in the US and across the globe in Marriott Hotels. Marriott Hotels & Resorts is a brand of International-based Marriott International, Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland, and represents a legacy of premium hospitality and diverse offerings. Offering almost 600 hotels and resorts, with more…

Air Canada

Air Canada

Air Canada Airlines I haven’t flown all the world’s airlines, but I’ve flown in enough to know Air Canada is one of the best. Its record of safety, reputation, and professionalism in ticketing, boarding, and inflight experience make it my preferred choice of airline regardless of where I might be headed. Air Canada provides simple…

summer weather forecast

Weather Forecast

2024 Weather Forecast: Warmth on the Way What an interesting time it is for weather across North America, with some changes taking place that will take many people off guard — challenging popular beliefs about our climate. It looks like a great summer is in store for us across the US and Canada with some…

How to Attract and Capture your Dream Client

How to Attract and Capture your Dream Client

Client Acquisition Strategies Acquiring great clients is job number one for consultants, gig workers, agencies, Realtors, agencies, and developers. Any number of tactics might generate a dream client for you. Yet relying on poorly supported, cheap tricks is not a great way to promote yourself, your brand, career, and your startup agency. Instead, you need…

Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops

Find a Coffee Shop Near You Below you’ll find a large interactive map of coffee shops in your location. Whether you’re in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Toronto, Seattle, Sacramento, Orange County, San Jose, Las Vegas, New York, Boston or Miami, no worries. If the coffee shop for you isn’t there, they don’t want…

Real Estate SEO

Real Estate SEO

Why is Real Estate SEO in such High Demand? Realtors are wondering whether digital marketing can make a difference in today’s difficult real estate sales environment. Competition in housing markets for Los Angeles, Boston, Miami, Denver, or Toronto Realtors is intense. And  property listings have diminished as buyers can’t afford to buy, and homeowners can’t…

SEO Services Fees Hourly

SEO Services Fees Hourly

Expert SEO Services by the Hour Are you having a host of issues with your website and are underperforming? Digital marketing and Google rankings are no easy task. Having an experienced, expert who is experienced and capable of investigating, solving and create a solution is a big advantage for you — advantages you don’t get…

Choosing Property Management Software

Choosing Property Management Software

Revolutionizing Property Management with Cutting-Edge Software In recent years, the transformation of property management has been accelerated by technological advancements, particularly in response to the booming rental property sector. The demand for performance has come from short-term rentals, built-for-rent developments and multifamily sectors whose key performance driver is the need for business efficiency. As the…

Sell House for More

Sell your House Now

Be Smart, Sell your House Soon It’s taken a long time, but experts are finally calling for a recession. And the housing market? Well, they’re talking crash now. It’s not hard to understand, given there is no way home buyers can qualify for mortgages, which look like they could be headed very high. New loans…

Vancouver Housing Market

Vancouver Housing Market

Vancouver Housing Market Update and Forecast Vancouver has built its reputation as one of the most beautiful cities and locations in the world. The modernization of the city, incredible mountain vistas, moderate climate with a surprising amount of yearly sunny days, high tech center growth, tourism and neighboring mountain recreation areas makes this area a…

How to Fund a Winning Realty Marketing Strategy

How to Fund a Winning Realty Marketing Strategy

Winning Real Estate Marketing Strategy Organic real estate marketing and lead generation are the core or foundation of your sales success. While local advertising and word of mouth help your efforts, they’re not going to establish you as the top Realtor in your region. Admittedly, it takes confidence and the help of a good digital…

Will Home Prices Fall?

Will Home Prices Fall?

Will House and Condo Prices Fall? Hopeful home buyers are always asking, when will home prices drop throughout 2022 and into next year? Will we see house prices fall as frenzied buyers give up on their quest to find a house for sale? According to Redfin’s July 5th report, prices have dropped 2% in the…

Digital Marketing Audit

Digital Marketing Audit

Digital Marketing Audit for Small Business In all the years managing my own freelance business and while working with digital marketing agencies, I discovered that small business people are great at what they do. Unfortunately, they’re not experts in digital marketing which is a discipline exploding in complexity. That’s why a digital marketing assessment  is a…

Canadian Housing Market

Canadian Housing Market

Canadian Real Estate Market Forecast Just like the US housing market, the real estate market in Canada showed remarkable strength in 2020. The Canadian benchmark price increased 8.5% last year, almost five times the rate of 1.8% in 2019. And forecasts for 2021 reflect a continued trend of high prices driven by low mortgage rates,…

Auto Insurance Companies – Car Insurance Quotes

Auto Insurance Companies – Car Insurance Quotes

Best Auto Insurance Quotes Auto insurance rates just keep climbing in 2020, and I’ll bet you’ve done little about that. Even with fewer drivers on the road during Corona Virus, most are paying old rates while insurance companies are seeing low accident claims. If you’re working at home all week or only commuting for a…

Realtor Lead Generation Platform

Realtor Lead Generation Platform

Realtor Lead Generation During the Pandemic A professional real estate sales person’s number one challenge always is to generate quality leads.  And this pandemic is making old school lead generation and nurturing almost impossible. The move to the new digital prospecting tools is accelerating.  Hopefully you’re getting on board before this big tech wave passes…

Banks and Mortgage Monopolies Dire Warning for Canadians

Banks and Mortgage Monopolies Dire Warning for Canadians

Is Canadian Real Estate in for a Big Price Drop? Even in the wake of the deadliest health epidemic of the last century, the Toronto housing market and Vancouver housing market did not crash. And if China had not released its deadly disease, the housing markets would have been roaring right now. It’s like science…

Homelessness in America

Homelessness in America

Solving Homelessness in America The issue with homelessness in the US continues into 2021.  And in fact, the problem is set to worsen given home prices are rising and we’re not out of the Covid 19 pandemic recession. The issue with homelessness is simple. Not much incentive for building new housing and most of the…