Winning Real Estate Marketing Strategy
Organic real estate marketing and lead generation are the core or foundation of your sales success. While local advertising and word of mouth help your efforts, they’re not going to establish you as the top Realtor in your region.
Admittedly, it takes confidence and the help of a good digital marketer to build your dominant market position. Skills, a budget, and skilled techniques with web content, lead conversion, social media, and PPC advertising tools are needed.
I’ve worked with solo agents as well as big agencies and a major International luxury home publication. Big agencies don’t really solve your needs since there’s not enough leads to go around. And going solo, it’s tough to stay focused and motivated. Perhaps that’s the top reason 90% of realtors never become successful.
The Future is Coming and it’s Connected
I’m linked with at least 1500 realtors in Toronto, Boston, San Diego, Bay Area, and Los Angeles, Most of them don’t bother with digital marketing or social media, despite how traditional channels are drying up. A common complaint is the cost of digital marketing services by themselves and the ROI. You might have dabbled with some cheapo marketing services and came to the conclusion that it’s not worth it. It is worth it. The key is finding someone dedicated.
If you join with other realtors and share the costs, you can fight way above your weight class in the realty marketing battles. In fact, you don’t necessarily have to partner with local realtors. It’s possible and perhaps advisable to join with realtors in other nearby towns or neighborhoods. They’re in the same predicament you are. Sound interesting?
Combine Assets and Divide Costs
If you partner with 3 or 4 other realtors, you not only combine marketing funds, and connections (think of the Linkedin and Facebook connections you have) you also:
- bring more experience and market knowledge
- create motivated team mates whom you can bounce ideas off of
- have more insight and stories to lend to your team’s customer engagement strategy
- work more effectively together
- have better meetings
- create more colorful and meaningful dialogue with prospects
- inspire greater confidence and security in prospects
- create a small team as a social unit which prospects can relate to
- create 4 or 5 voices which can be much more persuasive
If you’re in a big city such as Vancouver, Toronto or San Diego, there’s plenty of leads available. By scaling up your marketing you will accelerate your growth and theirs. If you’re in a small market city such as Markham, Burnaby, La Jolla, Oceanside, Escondido or Whistler, then joining with realtors in other nearby towns lets you combine funds yet still have your whole local market to yourself.
You become a more noticeable presence whereas before, you were almost invisible. When people say your town’s name, your name and face should also come to mind. That’s just a little of what I can do for you.
Calgary Home Boys is a great example of the team concept. They’ve combined the potential of 5 to 6 realtors to better leverage their collective powers. They look like a modern, professional team you can rely on.
Danecker & Associates of San Diego is a traditional format for the team game. However, it would be better overall with a true together team picture! Still, this is the way to maximize the marketing budget and get the kind of results you’ve hoped for. No more hoping, it’s action time!
Think Big Picture, and get Better Results
In my mind, it doesn’t matter so much who you partner with — you’re going to garner much more of the available market. And your results are likely to be better than if you went it alone. If you’re doing very well right now, then you can perhaps double your leads and better convert the leads you get by investing in realtor digital marketing techniques.
You might have one more argument that one realtor in the group will take all the sales, for whatever reason. That won’t happen because all prospects have their preferences and each will look for the realtor that best suits their taste. Everything can rotate if required.
The creative effort to build or modify your realtor persona will be a good exercise. Let’s say you want to appeal to first time buyers. We can help you fashion your brand image to make you the most compelling to them. It’ll help you get more focused to convert the leads that typically come to you and improve your brand image. Everything is converted into positive results.

If you’re struggling alone to improve your business as a realtor or a mortgage broker, consider combining with 3 to 4 others. It’s the perfect number to maximize your marketing funds and get the maximum benefit in relevant leads.
Investigate advanced tools and Advanced Search Engine Optimization | Advanced SEO Strategy and How to Build High Rankings.