The Lowest Rates Possible | Mortgage Rate Forecast

The Lowest Rates Possible | Mortgage Rate Forecast

Compare Lowest Home Mortgage Rates Housing markets from Boston to Tampa to Los Angeles and Denver all crippled by the mortgage rate locked-in effect. Sellers can’t afford to sell their homes and adopt a new mortgage at a higher rate. For mortgage agents, it’s a frustrating situation as they wait for mortgage holders forced to…

Mortgage Refinancing – Finding the Lowest Rate

Mortgage Refinancing – Finding the Lowest Rate

Mortgage Refinancing Boom? It looks like we’re already into a mortgage refinancing boom period. As the FED lowers the central rate, banks and secondary market lenders will offer lower rate mortgages. You might consider a financial Tsunami, given how many mortgage holders need to refinance from now through 2026. When homeowners race in to refinance…

Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgages

HECM’s or Reverse Mortgages – A Good Choice? Many senior-aged homeowners have built up substantial equity in their homes. Consider that homes have doubled in value in the last 20 years, and it’s created a windfall of wealth (on paper). A reverse mortgage is a unique type of mortgage.  It’s different than a home equity…

Low Mortgage Rates

Low Mortgage Rates

Cheaper Mortgage Rates What’s the immediate forecast for mortgage rates?  Lower and perhaps even lower.  If you’re buying a home or condo in 2018/2019, you’ll want to buy your mortgage in the next 6 months. The economy is improving and mortgage rates will rise. Shopping online means time saved, no sore feet, no parking hassles or…