Google Ranking Algorithm -- EEAT

How to Grow Respect for Your Content

Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness Have you wondered how a small travel company could ever compete with the big travel portals and brand names online? It is a challenge for sure, but still doable. I’ve been competing against Goliath companies for 26 years now and even today, there’s a chance to win. Google’s ranking algorithm…

How To Adapt and Modernize your Travel Company

How To Adapt and Modernize your Travel Company

Tips to Modernize your Travel Business There isn’t a person alive who doesn’t rest on their laurels. It’s human nature to rely on our strengths, expertise and experience. You’ve likely developed some excellent capacities that power your agency. Unfortunately, at some point, our strengths can become our biggest weakness. Because such rallying around our strengths…

Travel SEO Strategist Job/Role Description

Travel SEO Strategist Job/Role Description

Travel SEO/Content Strategist Role Role: Responsible for developing and executing effective SEO strategies and content plans to increase traffic, brand awareness, lead quality, engagement, and revenue. Travel company managers know SEO strategy and content development are critically important to marketing performance. Basic SEO isn’t competitive. Reaching consumers online is the best, most cost-effective driver of…

Links as Your 2024 Business Accelerator — Google

Links as Your 2024 Business Accelerator — Google

The Power of Links to Your Website 2024 is almost here, and a better economy is just ahead. You’re reading because looking for that one thing that will boost your business leads and sales prospect pipeline. Normally, we’d say there is no magic bullet. However, there is one thing that could power up traffic, leads,…

What Silicon Valley Companies Need

What Silicon Valley Companies Need

The Special Needs of Silicon Valley Companies Silicon Valley is that region in southwest San Francisco Bay where thousands of tech-related companies have established their primary business location. Entrepreneurs, financiers, and talent all come here to experience this haven for entrepreneurs.  Yet the days of easy money are behind us. Yes, investment in AI and…

Project Based Search Engine Optimization

Project Based Search Engine Optimization

The Magic of Project-Based SEO Back in college I achieved my best marks via projects, not with everyday lessons and tests. Today, schools recognize the benefits of project-based learning for students. This includes growth in self-reliance, improved attitudes toward learning, opportunities to develop complex skills, such as creative imagination, critical thinking, problem solving, collaborating, and…

Real Estate SEO

Real Estate SEO

Why is Real Estate SEO in such High Demand? Realtors are wondering whether digital marketing can make a difference in today’s difficult real estate sales environment. Competition in housing markets for Los Angeles, Boston, Miami, Denver, or Toronto Realtors is intense. And  property listings have diminished as buyers can’t afford to buy, and homeowners can’t…

SEO Company Atlanta

SEO Company Atlanta

SEO Services for Atlanta Companies Atlanta is a city slated for more growth over the coming ten years and some businesses are getting positioned as part of this city’s evolution. New companies and new residents will be drawn by the lower cost of living, affordable real estate and low cost of doing business. Yet Atlanta…

SEO Services Fees Hourly

SEO Services Fees Hourly

Expert SEO Services by the Hour Are you having a host of issues with your website and are underperforming? Digital marketing and Google rankings are no easy task. Having an experienced, expert who is experienced and capable of investigating, solving and create a solution is a big advantage for you — advantages you don’t get…

Who Needs an SEO Company or SEO Expert?

Who Needs an SEO Company or SEO Expert?

A Talented SEO Expert Delivers While CEOs and marketing managers struggle impatiently with their severely stressed and convoluted marketing campaigns, they could be generating higher quality leads using an experienced SEO expert and the free, organic search engine results. Instead of becoming an expert at chasing prospects around with weak banner advertising, email pushes, and social media advertising, relax…

Southern California SEO

Southern California SEO

SEO Services in SD and LA Hundreds of SEO companies and digital marketing firms in Boston, Los Angeles and in Silicon Valley offer services something akin to SEO. Yet, keyword loaded copy and buying blog guest posts doesn’t work now. . In my new book just published, I explain that content engagement is the key…