Vancouver BC SEO Services
It might be challenging for Vancouver area companies this year.
Reduced access to the US means our digital marketing becomes more important in the mix. We’ll need to be more creative, innovative, putting an accent on content excellence. I can develop the level of competitive content strategy your need and tune it perfectly to Google’s algorithm ranking signals.
It’s wise to look at quality in a new way. Google evaluates both your web content, narrative, wording, social signals and web signals in a very complex way — all guided by their RankBrain system. Given the amount of spam present online, they’re looking for trusted and authoritative signals of superior content to present to searchers. Whether you’re in real estate, travel, or manufacturing sectors, it’s important to take SEO seriously.
Mastering Keywords, Narratives, and Ranking Signals
I can help you build and craft that trusted and high-ranking presence in Google’s search database. After all, we are just manipulating words, narratives, messages along with connecting links internally and from powerful websites and brands in your industry from travel to manufacturing to real estate. The message they receive is one of relevance and significance.
In the lower mainland, you have hundreds of web design agencies, PPC ad agencies, and copywriter freelancers pushing “SEO services” as part of their mix. Yet they’re not SEO specialists with a complex strategy that builds a stranglehold on rankings for lasting success.
3 Things are Required for Advanced SEO performance:
- Powerful keyword/content/promotion strategy
- Very high-quality content
- Strong targeted promotion
Gord Collins, Advanced SEO/Content Strategist
I’ve honed my advanced SEO strategy, techniques, and tactics over 26 years and they are designed to help you capture top visibility and lots of traffic.
My research, writing and publishing skills craft the kind of content that Google wants and trusts. Getting you into that special “respected club” is important. Where local Vancouver area SEO companies fail is in content quality and algo-resonant content experiences. Often they just scratch it up quick or use ChatGPT. Be forewarned of “AI SEO” because AI has not mastered SEO. That’s how creative this space is.
As you may have read in my advanced SEO strategy/techniques/tactics post, I optimize from many different angles to deliver the key quality signals Google looks for in your web content. Most marketing teams are sloppy about this fine-tuning process or are using general SEO “best practices.” These aren’t good enough. The outcome is low-quality leads, low rankings and low traffic.
I go beyond best practices to “the best practices.”
I can build in these ‘ranking signals’ that Google demands and focus them intensely so your content ranks higher and more broadly. If I have time, you can have your cake and eat it too!
It’s difficult to offer SEO packages given your situation is unique. Lots of variables. For that reason, here’s a list of the essential SEO services I will provide your Vancouver, British Columbia business.
Are you based in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton or Mississauga? I can help you.
Contact me at 416 998-6246.