Florida Housing Market

Florida Housing Market

Florida Real Estate Market The Florida housing market is one of the most desirable to Americans and foreign buyers, but of late, it’s lost some its glitter. But is a home in Florida ever a bad idea? Notwithstanding the US cost of living and affordability challenges which plague Florida too, this state typically thrives as…

Markets Wait for the Presidential Inauguration

Markets Wait for the Presidential Inauguration

US Economic and Stock Market Surge The 2024 stock market bull run is set to run faster and higher beginning next spring and extending for the next 5 years under the now-forming government of President Trump. After the initial irrational exuberance, markets are a little flat this week as investors take some profits, and ponder…

President Trump Wins!

President Trump Wins!

Republicans Sweep the US Elections While Democrat polling companies predicted Kamala Harris was the favorite and would win last night’s Presidential election, Americans turned up in force to reject her and her party. Donald K Trump won the US Presidential Election in what could be termed a landslide, as the Republicans swept the House and…

No Recession for 2024

No Recession for 2024

Why a US Recession Won’t be in the Cards for 2024 The equity markets took a dive Wednesday on expectations of bad news. Yes, not on bad news, but the expectation of bad news. At least someone’s expectation. So much for the technical analysis everyone’s publishing right now. There seems to be a little conspiracy…

Leaving California

Leaving California

Are People Still Leaving California? It sounds inconceivable to many of us who grew up with powerful images of the state of California with its wealth, beaches, mountains, and beautiful climate, that everyone there might want to get out. Yes, more polls suggest Californians are fed up with how their society and government are run…

Oil Price Forecast 2024

Oil Price Forecast 2024

Oil Price and Gasoline Price Forecasts Oil and Gasoline prices are expected to rise in 2024, pushing ever higher over the next 5 years as the US and global economies recover from the pandemic inflation rollercoaster. Yet today prices fell 4% on news that Russian crude supply is back up.  It seems there is little…

Atlanta Housing Market Stats & Forecast

Atlanta Housing Market Stats & Forecast

Atlanta Housing Market Report Atlanta was ranked 18th of the nation’s major housing markets for price growth in February, but in March home prices jumped almost 16% year over year, showing Atlanta’s real estate scene is coming alive.  Atlanta Realtors Association reports a solid month for residential home sales via the MLS. Remax has slightly…