Texas Weather Forecast

Texas Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast for the State of Texas Texas is a large land area with a diverse geography that gives its many cities a pleasant variety in temperature, rainfall, and other weather events. Millions of vacationers are travelling to Texas cities and it’s amazing Gulf Cost beaches.  Check out the typical weather for cities in Texas…

Best US Cities Rated

Best US Cities Rated

Which Are the Best US Cities to Live in? Dreaming of a better place in US to live?  Now in 2023, the question is yielding many new destinations as many of the favorites have lost their lustre. You’re not alone in wanting to move to a new city. Millions of people think about moving to…

Sell House for More

Sell your House Now

Be Smart, Sell your House Soon It’s taken a long time, but experts are finally calling for a recession. And the housing market? Well, they’re talking crash now. It’s not hard to understand, given there is no way home buyers can qualify for mortgages, which look like they could be headed very high. New loans…

US Unemployment Rate States

US Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Rate in the United States The Covid 19 pandemic interrupted a very positive reduction in the unemployment rate in the United states. 8 years of strong growth during the bull market stock market was crippled by the shutdowns. Now in late 2021, the economic recovery is beginning to deliver stronger job growth (4.8% unemployment…

home owner equity

Homeowner Equity Rises

Homeowner Equity Looking Irresistible Corelogic, a provider of premium housing sales statistics reports that in the 2nd quarter of this year, homeowners with mortgages (63% of all properties) watched their equity grow by 29.3% year over year. Collectively, in the nation, it was an equity gain of over $2.9 trillion, and an average gain of…