Republicans Sweep the US Elections
While Democrat polling companies predicted Kamala Harris was the favorite and would win last night’s Presidential election, Americans turned up in force to reject her and her party.
Donald K Trump won the US Presidential Election in what could be termed a landslide, as the Republicans swept the House and Senate elections too. The results give President Trump a strong position to promote US business interests and significantly turn the US economy around to build job and wage growth for US workers.
47th President of the United States
Mr Trump will become the 47th President of the United States, his second term, and will likely set in place a pro-American business agenda free of crippling anti-American regulatory regulations, and give American businesses the protections and help you need to thrive in the next 5 years. The win is a gift for US small businesses and a boost for US trading partners.
See the top advancing stocks below, many in the financial and banking sector, which will enjoy much better lending conditions as the economy grows. And the only way for the US to survive financially (US debt bomb) is through growth. The President’s win means this can happen.
It’s a massive lift of the mood in the investment and business sectors too as the depressive regime of the Democrats are quickly fading. In 2025, it will become apparent how destructive the Democrat/Woke agenda was. While Kamala Harris has refused to accept defeat as promised, no one really seems to care, and the country is quickly moving on to better times.
American investors realize the doors may be wide open for economic growth and this time, the US has the lead in key industries including energy, AI, and banking. Market economists and experts will be quickly revising their forecast projections and advice based on this critically important turning point.
Investors mood will only grow as November progresses leading into a strong Santa Claus Rally for the year end. The win could also spur significant consumer and business spending, and job gains might be strong in November and December. President Trump will likely push for lower FED interest rates which would give all sectors the lift they need. That will be the key point in housing market forecasts and one extra dimension in this economic rebirth.
Markets Up Strongly This Morning
Investor sentiment is quickly rising. US stock market investors are in a euphoric mood this morning as all indices are rising. Caution is the word however, as you might want to wait out the immediate euphoria where you’ve calculated which industries and stocks will emerge as winners. Certainly, a whole new array of stocks are appearing as the darlings of the new era ahead.
And this is a monumental moment for investors and for small business. The Russell 2000 is rising fastest today.
The S&P, Dow, NASDAQ, and Russell 2000 are all up sharply. Predictions, such as that by Tom Lee of Fundstrat are for another Santa Claus Rally this year, so investors likely will be all in on buying their best stock picks this week for the expected rise of all ships in the harbor. Pick wisely!
Trump’s re-election was generally viewed as positive for the stock market and potentially strong for the housing market via income tax reductions, import tariffs, and deregulation. Which will play out as the most important for investors and small businesses remains to be seen, but today, business owners across the country are likely filled with joy at seeing a pro-business agenda coming into place.
President Trump commented that “This was the greatest political movement of all time. Now it’s going to reach a new level of importance because we’re going to help our country heal.”
The largest group negatively affected by the Trump win are China and Mexico investors since the President has said he intends to bring fairness back to international trade. Investments in those countries by Americans will likely subside. However, many Democrat millionaires have said they will be leaving the US for Malta, Switzerland and Cayman Islands.
Top Stock Gainers Today

It’s a wonderful time for Americans as they enjoy the end of the woke political misery and are freed up to live again with a booming economy just ahead. Congratulations America!
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