Houses for Sale in Florida

The Sunshine state is reeling in its battle with the Corona Virus, but that’s not stopping homebuyers from out of state or out of country from searching for homes for sale in Florida.

The latest Florida real estate report reflects strong demand and rising prices for houses. Sales are down because of a lack of supply.  You can read up more on the full set of factors that are driving home prices and sales in Miami, Tampa, St Petes, Orlando, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Panama City on the Florida housing stats page.

With low house prices, buyers will find selling their expensive homes in urban areas of Boston, New York / Manhattan, Washington, Chicago, Minneapolis, and New Jersey makes a great trade. Read more on the Tampa and Miami housing markets and check for the lowest mortgage rates in Florida.

As you can see, from this University of Florida study, homes in Florida are primarily single detached houses.

Florida home types. Screenshot courtesy of

As home prices throughout Florida have dipped of recent, this might be seen as the perfect time for out of state buyers to buy. Zillow sees home prices on the rise.

Florida Home Prices. Screenshot courtesy of Zillow.

Alternative sources of Florida homes for sale:

Do a much more thorough search for houses for sale with a more comprehensive strategy. Whether you’re looking for a detached house, condo, townhouse, or rental property Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville or up in the panhandle region, a thorough plan for searching is a must.  Work with a trusted Real estate agent to get best results.

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