

Introducing ChatGPT-4, the Next Level As AI-assisted search enthusiasts, we’re still learning how to use ChatGPt’s 3rd version expertly.  And in anticipation of OpenAI’s next version, ChatGPT-4. It’s not available publicly as yet, however you can sample a weak version of it on Bing. When it is released on the website, you’ll be able…

BackYard Offices

BackYard Offices

Work from Home Offices a Popular Solution The pandemic accelerated a national business and housing market trend that was already running hot in 2019 — working from home. The reality of working and living at home, and getting work done isn’t so simple however and there is a need for solutions. The backyard office is…

ai copywriting software

Talented Copywriters or AI Software?

AI Software Beating Talented SEO/CRO/Brand Specialist? There’s some more talk about artificial intelligence software being able to put talented copywriters out of work going around again.  Frankly, the idea is insulting and ridiculous and undermines business manager’s acceptance of AI marketing solutions. It’s natural that some (software developers) would get a little zealous about new tech…