Be the Market Leader

Be the Market Leader

Market Leader is the Best Positioning When business owners think about the phrase “market leader,” they often envision everyone but themselves. Many North American business entrepreneurs are too modest, not realizing that they could actually become the market leader in their sector.  And those who lead the market last longer — and earn more profit….

Travel Business Marketing

Travel Business Marketing

Tools for Travel Management Companies The travel industry has been greatly impacted by the rise of SaaS travel management software. Why am I mentioning SaaS travel management platforms in a marketing post?  Because they more than experience and financial management tools. They have marketing power too.  Using them, your business looks more professional, offers better…

46% Savings When Outsourcing to Canada

46% Savings When Outsourcing to Canada

Canadian Companies Providing a Mission Critical, Cost-Effective Resource One unleveraged source of value that American companies can explore is in outsourcing labor to Canadian contractors. For startups and cash-crunched companies, this is a significant and vital part of saving funds to stay competitive. And competing against large companies will be more difficult in 2024. Extra…

Social Media Listening for Real Estate Agents

You Social Media Listening Strategy – Techniques and Tools A good number of realtors pride themselves on their ability to listen and empathize with their clients wants and needs. That’s all good, but if you can’t even find your prospects or reach your inner circle of key clients, how will you hear their voice? Answer: social media media…