Insights to Dominate the Path to Purchase

Insights to Dominate the Path to Purchase

Being There on the Traveler’s Path to Purchase I was very intrigued 9 years ago when Google Think teamed up with Luth Research ZQ Intelligence™ to study in-depth, the customer journey online – the path to consumer fulfillment. Because most marketers lacked the data and acumen (and still do)  to understand the customer buying journey,…

How to Use ChatGPT

How to Use ChatGPT

How to Use ChatGPT Everyone has questions. And until now, everyone asked Google by typing queries in a search box. Well, along came ChatGPT with a whole new approach that is more specific, engaging, and user-friendly. In contrast to Google’s search engine, ChatGPT can accept a greater amount of input from the user (including text…

5G Download Speedtest

5G Download Speed Test

SpeedTest 5G Speed Report We’ve all been hearing a lot about 5G for a while now. The technology is so good, it’s created a surge in investment in 5G network technology, and consumer smartphones. In this post, we see how 5G fares against current bandwidth service in 4G, broadband and cellular services. You’ll be surprised…

High End Mobile Devices

High End Mobile Devices

Mobile Marketing If your website was mobile optimized you’d get better engagement and sales results. The user interface of phones is different and Google is using its mobile search results algorithm. Content and value propositions are still king, it’s just that the smartphone affects presentation. Soon the smartphone will be everyone’s main digital device. Here are some…

eCommerce SEO

eCommerce SEO

Build your Advantage with eCommerce SEO If you’re one of those brick and mortar retailers suffering continuing in-store sales losses, due to the shift to Internet shopping, you’re likely pondering the future of your business. Now that the Corona Virus pandemic has obliterated brick and mortar shopping, more consumers are going online and likely preferring…

Stock Market Outlook

Stock Market Outlook

2020 Stock Market Correction The 2020 stock market forecast was calling for more volatility.  And with the pandemic, wow did ever happen!  Good call except the cause was unforeseen. (This is an old post) If manufacturing comes back to the US, it is bound to stimulate investment, jobs, and of course stock performance. Yet, the monthly…