A Focus on the Core Essentials that Create ROI
Every once in a while, marketers must review their performance and their tools, learning, channels, funding and resource selection.
A review most always leads to the core essentials of successful digital marketing.
Every year, digital marketing becomes more competitive and demanding. That’s due to the fact Facebook and Google own the marketing and advertising space and are squeezing small businesses hard.
The focus is on what creates a great marketer, not the hundred items on their job description.
Great Digital Marketing Turns Companies Around
There’s no doubting the reach and monopoly power of FB and Google, and a PPC campaign is a powerful way to reach customers. The way I look at PPC now is that is essential, but its real value is in how it supports your free, organic marketing effort. And PPC conversion rates are low if they’re not supported by great content strategy.
A focus on the essentials of a great value proposition and leveraging free organic channels is the right way to go. 2024 will be slower and more expensive, which means free organic campaigns will generate better and more lasting ROI. When you’re hiring an in-house marketer or a contractor/producer, focusing on the core essentials is where you get your best ROI.
Your Content is the Message and the Conversion Channel
Your content is all you have to represent you before the customer calls.
Your evergreen content is the legacy you pay for and will leverage for years on end. That’s your lasting brand that creates the long-term value (LTV) you want. My advice is to put aside the laundry list and focus on perfecting the core digital marketing essentials:
- value proposition communication excellence
- creative impactful content generation
- data insights for strategy
- building relationships with customers and partners
The rest usually distract, and if they are important at any time, they can be learned and perfected. If you’ve got the core skills, the rest are easy. Focus on the core and you cut waste, reduce mistakes, and make bigger impact where it counts.
Great Marketing Focuses First on a:
- powerful, attractive value proposition
- powerful digital marketing strategy
- creative, helpful, engaging, authoritative content
- advertising campaign to support what free organic can’t do
- crafting a strong personal preference so prospects forget about the competition
- effective promotions to entice and sweeten the offer to capture attention to beat competitors and make them invisible
- sincere messaging tone of voice that shows you really want the customer (customers want to be desired)
- understanding and responding to the customer’s strongest current pain points
- collecting in-depth insights from data to refine the offer and messaging
Your Content is the Message
Online, your content is your message, brand and offer. A strong commitment to content, SEO, and conversion optimization is needed. Great analytics provides the insights to do further research and find the content, messaging, and value proposition to promote on your marketing pages, blogs, YouTube videos, and offsite PR publications.
Strong promotion significantly aids SEO since it reaches influencers, journalists and industry experts. That “authority voice vote” for your content, offer and brand is essential to building ranking power and trust with Google. The icing on the marketer cake, is the ability to conduct precision promotional campaigns to capture and focus attention in the moment, to get real commitment from the customer prospect.
Great marketing does pivot on a powerful unique value proposition development, because no one will support a product or brand they don’t like. The purpose of a strong marketing effort then is about finding that special unique value offer, personalizing and presenting it the right way, via the right digital marketing channels.
What are the Qualities of Good Marketers
Today, marketers are multitalented, yet managers may get confused about which skills are essential and profitable and which are just nice-to-have window dressings.
High Quality Marketers:
- understand the brand and the unique value proposition
- understand the target customer
- open to, and hungry for insight and help from sales and customer service team
- are inspired by the challenge of being an underdog up against market leaders
- have the ability to empathize with prospects and their pain points
- have a focus on the top-performing content and channels
- use digital tools to understand customer behavior
- develop content that impacts, engages, and satisfies customers
- set clear and actionable goals
- work with clients flexibly
- are ambitious and tirelessly pursue client revenue and lead-generation goals
Digital marketing and digital marketers are about performance and the opportunity to use and develop the resources and channels to compete well today.
Forget the Laundry List — Focus on Powerful Core Essentials
While the laundry list of to-do’s is growing, it might actually be causing companies to miss the essentials of the best strategy and tactics. It’s also burning out good marketers.
More noise and frequency doesn’t power up the value proposition or make it more attractive.
Today, creative, engaging and helpful blogs, videos, news, and events drive performance. They power up social campaigns and ppc campaigns, while enriching the value proposition to audiences.
In my opinion, focusing on the core essentials is where time and money are well spent.
Are you on the hunt for a versatile marketer willing to grow even further to create market leadership?
Contact Gord at: 416 998 6246