Toronto Condo Market Report – Update and Forecast

Toronto Condo Market Report – Update and Forecast

Toronto Condo Market The Toronto housing market is forecasted to see a recovery in sales and prices by 2025. That outlook would suggest the current unwanted inventory would find willing buyers in the year ahead. According to TRREB’s lastest report on condo apartment sales in the GTA, we saw a drop of 19.8% in sales…

China Economic Forecast

China Economic Forecast

China Economic Predictions It’s a challenge to describe the Chinese economy given it is a capitalist market built on top of a communist system. The country is now at a cross roads and must decide whether it can handle a free, open relationship with the rest of the world. Today’s topic is China’s effect on…

US Tech Stocks to Buy

US Tech Stocks to Buy

Best US Tech Stocks Given the big correction that’s hitting the DOW, S&P, NASDAQ and Russell right now, you’d have to question buying tech stocks. Tech is getting hit hard this week and the cyber attacks on the Colonial pipeline is not helping. The fact is, investors are moving away from speculative growth stocks and…

Homelessness in America

Homelessness in America

Solving Homelessness in America The issue with homelessness in the US continues into 2021.  And in fact, the problem is set to worsen given home prices are rising and we’re not out of the Covid 19 pandemic recession. The issue with homelessness is simple. Not much incentive for building new housing and most of the…