Tom Lee Market Forecasts

Tom Lee Market Forecasts

Tom Lee Said! Tom Lee Chief is the Head of Research for Fundstrat Global Advisors and an advisor to NewEdge Wealth. He’s considered the biggest bull on Wall Street, no pun intended. Fundstrat’s brand positioning is on strategic market insights derived from emotion-free, evidence-based research from their team who possess more than a century of…

Stock Price Prediction and Forecasting

Stock Prediction

Stock Prediction for Investors Any investor would love to have a crystal ball to make well timed, well chose stocks picks. Those with the data and forecasting tools have a big advantage, and those who are close to the newsmakers can achieve an unparalleled performance in stock picking. And with the stock markets continued volatility,…

Stock Market Outlook

Stock Market Outlook

2020 Stock Market Correction The 2020 stock market forecast was calling for more volatility.  And with the pandemic, wow did ever happen!  Good call except the cause was unforeseen. (This is an old post) If manufacturing comes back to the US, it is bound to stimulate investment, jobs, and of course stock performance. Yet, the monthly…