Day Trading Success

Day Trading Success

Day Trading The last 10 years has created very favorable opportunities for stock trading. Call them day traders or active traders or stock market speculators, they focus on how they buy and sell within the next minute, hour, day or month and make a profit. And as fate would have it, technology has enabled day…

Reddit Rebellion

Reddit Rebellion

Reddit Rebellion: Hedgemony Vs the Small Investor You might have heard something of the Reddit Rebellion this week. It’s worldwide news and the biggest news event in the investment world. And while some suggest this will blow over and Wall Street will just get back to its usual privilege, it’s not likely to. Others believe…

Stock Price Volatility

Stock Price Volatility

All About Short Term Stock Price Volatility The stock market is unique in its difficulty with short term volatility. Even the Dow Jones blue chips surge up and down.  It seems not much is safe from the volatility roller coaster these days. Stock prices are a reflection of estimates of future value. When negative news…