Best Cities to Buy a Home

Best Cities to Buy a Home

Best Cities to Buy Real Estate in 2024 We’re nearing 2025 with a new incoming, pro-business, deregulating, lower-tax President and it’s going to have millions of Americans thinking about a move — either across town or to another metro area where life is more affordable and enjoyable. While jobs and personal economics rule, buyers are…

summer weather forecast

Weather Forecast

2024 Weather Forecast: Warmth on the Way What an interesting time it is for weather across North America, with some changes taking place that will take many people off guard — challenging popular beliefs about our climate. It looks like a great summer is in store for us across the US and Canada with some…

Coffee Shops

Coffee Shops

Find a Coffee Shop Near You Below you’ll find a large interactive map of coffee shops in your location. Whether you’re in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Toronto, Seattle, Sacramento, Orange County, San Jose, Las Vegas, New York, Boston or Miami, no worries. If the coffee shop for you isn’t there, they don’t want…

Sell House for More

Sell your House Now

Be Smart, Sell your House Soon It’s taken a long time, but experts are finally calling for a recession. And the housing market? Well, they’re talking crash now. It’s not hard to understand, given there is no way home buyers can qualify for mortgages, which look like they could be headed very high. New loans…

US Unemployment Rate States

US Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Rate in the United States The Covid 19 pandemic interrupted a very positive reduction in the unemployment rate in the United states. 8 years of strong growth during the bull market stock market was crippled by the shutdowns. Now in late 2021, the economic recovery is beginning to deliver stronger job growth (4.8% unemployment…

Auto Insurance Companies – Car Insurance Quotes

Auto Insurance Companies – Car Insurance Quotes

Best Auto Insurance Quotes Auto insurance rates just keep climbing in 2020, and I’ll bet you’ve done little about that. Even with fewer drivers on the road during Corona Virus, most are paying old rates while insurance companies are seeing low accident claims. If you’re working at home all week or only commuting for a…

Realtor Lead Generation Platform

Realtor Lead Generation Platform

Realtor Lead Generation During the Pandemic A professional real estate sales person’s number one challenge always is to generate quality leads.  And this pandemic is making old school lead generation and nurturing almost impossible. The move to the new digital prospecting tools is accelerating.  Hopefully you’re getting on board before this big tech wave passes…

The US Massive Debt with China and the $20 Trillion Nightmare

The US Massive Debt with China and the $20 Trillion Nightmare

OMG: US Debt with China: $1 Trillion + $360 Billion Per Year Active Trade Deficit! That was my headline back in 2016, and of course, things are much worse now.  The task for President Trump was more difficult than he realized. It’s not just dependence on China nor Asian trade supply channels.  It’s the stubbornness…

21 Success Tips for Top Selling Realtors

BIG Kahunas Lead — And Make a Lot More Money Millions of realtors, mortgage agents, new home builders, custom home builders, dentists, insurance brokers, architects, medical specialists, and vacation resort managers are all competing to be the Big Kahunas of their markets. Some will, and from humble beginnings. The title graphic is courtesy of Inman. In the US,…